Descrição: They is a science fiction thriller whose protagonist, Peter Williams, is a biology student from Oxford University. He and his team are responsible for containing various creatures of different time periods that go through portals and enter the present world. The big question is what causes these mysterious structures.The author combines some of his biggest interests, such as the English language, pre-history and philosophy in this electrifying narrative.
Descrição: Lost in Time narrates the adventures of captain Frederick, one of the members of the team responsible for containing creatures of different epochs that pass through portals and enter the present. The military man gets lost in time during a routine operation and travels through different time periods while trying to get back to the present.This science fiction thriller can be read as a continuation of They or as an independent story!
Descrição: They is a science fiction thriller whose protagonist, Peter Williams, is a biology student from Oxford University. He and his team are responsible for containing various creatures of different time periods that go through portals and enter the present world. The big question is what causes these mysterious structures.The author combines some of his biggest interests, such as the English language, pre-history and philosophy in this electrifying narrative.
Descrição: They is a science fiction thriller whose protagonist, Peter Williams, is a biology student from Oxford University. He and his team are responsible for containing various creatures of different time periods that go through portals and enter the present world. The big question is what causes these mysterious structures.The author combines some of his biggest interests, such as the English language, pre-history and philosophy in this electrifying narrative.